We call this Meeting for Worship. But that does not mean this hour is just for
praising and thanking God or Jesus Christ as external powers. Believing as we Quakers do that there is that
of God in every person, this is a time for praising and thanking and supporting
that of God in ourselves, and in each other. This is a safe space. This is a place for asking big questions and
listening with care and patience for answers from within.
Here we can admit – or at least try to
understand - how small we are in the universe, in our society, and in relation
to our potential. And here is a place we
can grow. Here we can reflect on ways in
which our ties with family members, friends and neighbors have become frayed or
broken – and on ways to repair those ties.
Here, by doing our
best to discern the leadings of the Holy Spirit, we can clarify our values and increase
our courage to live in accordance with them.