Sunday, September 25, 2016

September 25, 2016

I think God would say, “The proper role of religion is to nourish people’s spiritual lives, support their families and communities, and increase moral behavior, curiosity, creativity, peace and love.

“To the extent religion — including this one — increases self-righteousness, anxiety, conflict, violence and hatred, leave me out of it, please.”

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

The cost of consciousness - and of its avoidance

When consciousness is fun, it's fun.   
When it's painful, difficult, or just uncomfortable, would I rather be unconscious? At what cost?
At what cost do I tune out and choose to seek safety, comfort, amusement and gratification.

Reality check #6

Acknowledging my essential selfishness, I seek a balanced life of giving at least as much as I take. 
Which - giving or taking - is my main motivation right now? 
How does asking that question expand the choices I perceive?