for the most part, become easy and comfortable.
is uncomfortable.
the Bible,* there is a parable of a man who is going on a long trip. To each of two other men he entrusts money –
I think it’s one “talent,” a marvelous irony, in English – with the
understanding that each will take care of the money. When he returns, the first man who undertook
stewardship of the talent says, “Here are two talents. I put the one you
entrusted to me to work and gained another one.” The man who gave him the money is pleased and
impressed. The other man entrusted with
a talent says, “Here is your talent. I
did as you asked: I guarded it – by burying it - and now I return it to you.” The man who entrusted the money, much
displeased and disappointed, admonishes this man saying, in essence, “you
squandered the opportunity to use and enhance that which was entrusted to you.”
Spirit, please help us consciously to discover, use and grow that which we have
been given, bearing all necessary discomfort, the better to be agents of Your grace,
and to our own peace and benefit.
* See Matthew 25:14-30.