Saturday, March 21, 2020

Each of us makes a difference in flattening the virus curve #doingourpart

Look at the second tree diagram at this New York Times link showing the effect of preventing just one transmission of the coronavirus. Let us each act with compassion and discipline so as to avoid causing any transmissions!
You Can Help Break the Chain of Transmission

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Reality check #14

We make our lives one decision at a time, one hour at a time, one day at a time - by what we choose to do and by the countless other thoughts and actions we forego, not just frivolous distractions and temptations, but also acts of kindness and paths of growth which we deem less important to our chosen lives.

Am I willing to examine my choices, moment to moment, and take responsibility for them?

Will I admit that my true ethics and priorities are revealed by what I have done?

Am I willing to grow in wholesome discipline, including by sound stewardship of my time and health, commitment to the truth, keeping my promises, and kindness and service to others?