Sunday, May 10, 2020

May 10, 2020

“You may call me Life.  Each of you is a part of me.

“I have given each of you great power.  I have given you the power to imagine things being different than they are.  I have given you, individually and collectively, creativity ¬¬¬— the power to create what you imagine.

“I have given you love and service of others as the highest sources of fulfillment.

“I have given you freedom: freedom of thought, including your own perception of what is right and what is wrong; freedom to seek and develop my gifts; freedom to use my gifts, to decide when and how to use them, or not use them.

“And always, I love you.”

- God (attrib.)

Sunday, May 3, 2020

Social protection, advancement and health

Society - as it is perceived by lawmakers to exist when laws are made - is rudamentarily protected by voluntary obedience to law and appropriate enforcement of laws.  But society succeeds and advances only by people doing more for justice, peace, public health and environmental protection than the law requires.

The health of any society, from nuclear family to humanity as a whole, depends on its members exercising their freedom - expressing their natural selfishness - with love of others and the commitment to do one's part, ideally one's best, for others' health and well-being.