Monday, January 29, 2024

On Living Selfishly - link to video

In 2022, I gave a TED-X Youth talk entitled "On Living Selfishly." In that talk, I assert my view that I am 100 percent selfish; that, even when I serve others, I am tied (with everyone who admits complete selfishness) for the distinction of being the most selfish person alive. To explain this view, I invite the audience - soon perhaps including you - to consider whether it helps simplify our lives, clarify our values, goals and communications, and improve our relationships to acknowledge, at least sometimes, being selfish.

Here is the link:  (My talk starts at ~37 minutes.)

If you watch, thank you. There is so much self-righteousness and finger-pointing in society. This talk aims to reduce that. Because admitting our natural selfishness inoculates us against both criticizing others for being selfish and against getting upset if someone calls us selfish, I hope you find the talk valuable enough to share.

Sunday, January 28, 2024

January 28, 2024

What would we do, and how would we feel, if we more often - more often toward constancy - connected to, trusted, and allowed ourselves to be guided by the Holy Spirit within each of us; the Holy Spirit of love?

Saturday, January 20, 2024

Reality check #22

Where am I right now on these scales?

Truthfulness with self and others versus evasion or deception?

Love versus apathy or judgment?

Self-discipline versus comfort or laziness?

Gratitude versus entitlement?

Courage versus "not my job"?

Wednesday, January 3, 2024

December 31, 2023

December 24, 2023

As we end the present year to begin a new one, let us release any lingering fears, anxieties, grudges and regrets. 

Let us, guided and strengthened by the Holy Spirit, forgive every person who we perceive, whatever their intent may have been, to have treated us badly and forgive ourselves for any such acts toward others.

Let us, confident in the Holy Spirit's constant presence and guidance to all who seek it, greet the new year free of fear and fatigue from the past, and full of renewed hope and intention to do our best to bring peace and healing wherever we go.