Monday, December 16, 2024

December 15, 2024

For centuries, Quakers have believed that every person has direct, individual access to God, however named, and, much more, that there is divinity - "that of God“ - within every person.

These beliefs bring to my mind this thought experiment: what if the parts of God within each person who has ever lived, who is alive today, and who will live in the future are, collectively, God?  What if every person, whether she or he believes it or not, is the host, guardian and agent of her or his unique part of God - and those parts are all there is to God? 

God would still be amazingly complex and powerful.  God would have been there at the conception of the first human.  God would have been there at the invention of language, the wheel, and the atomic bomb.  God would have been there every time a law was decreed by a king or voted – or disregarded - by a group of people.  God would have been there at the start of every war, with every person during every day of every war, and at every war's end.  God would have been there for the building of the pyramids, the Great Wall of China, and Machu Picchu; the writing of every word of The Bible, the Talmud, the Koran, and the I Ching; and the painting of every cave image, the Sistine Chapel, and Guernica.

In this thought experiment, the will of God would constantly be at work through each person and humanity as a whole.  Human civilization would be like a spiritual democracy, with some people gaining and exerting more power than others; some people opposing abuses of power; some people deciding, consciously or unconsciously, not to vote - or being unable to vote - on many issues; and people variously happy or unhappy with the way things have been, are, or are headed.

Whether those who, now and in the future, want peace, the rule of law and truth, basic human rights and reasonably fair opportunities for all, security of every neighborhood and nation, and an end to degradation of our earthly environment fail or succeed in requiring or persuading those who do otherwise - those whose actions devalue others' lives and work, lead to conflict and wars, or harm global habitats and production and distribution of food for humanity - to change their ways, God, through people, will have brought about the end of humanity, be it ten or ten thousand years from now; or humanity, as God, will have saved itself.

This is just a thought experiment. But it helps me think about what I'll do today.