Wednesday, November 6, 2013

November 3, 2013

What more profound expression of spirituality is there than the constant cultivation of gratitude?
What surer path to happiness is there than the constant cultivation of gratitude?
The equation of an ultimate expression of spirituality and a sure path to happiness is perfectly elegant.
Yet there is more.
In human affairs, when one is deeply grateful to another person, it is natural to ask, “What can I do for you?”  Or we might say, “Let me know if I can ever return the favor.” 
Let us do the same in matters of the spirit.  By asking the Power – however named – to which we are grateful, “What can I do for you?” we demonstrate our gratitude.  By listening for the answer to that question and acting accordingly, we serve that Power; we become agents of grace; and we enlarge and nourish the garden of gratitude.