Am I being asked to take sides between two people or between two or more groups of people?
Why am I being asked to do that? For my benefit or for the benefit of one of the disputants? Or for the belittling or loss of another of the disputants?
Do I want to take one side in the dispute?
Why? Why am I tempted to do that?
Do I really want to do that? Will peace be served, or will relationships be strengthened by my taking one side over the other?
On what basis should I decide whether or not to take one side over the other, or others? Will I just be avoiding discomfort - or choosing one discomfort over another?
On what basis do I choose one side over another?
On what basis should I choose one side over another?
Might I learn a lot more by not taking sides and by just listening to the disputants' perspectives?
Might I gain more by restraining my self-righteousness - not taking sides - and by seeking reconciliation?