Monday, July 23, 2018

Stewardship of government of the people, by the people and for the people

"The world must be made safe for democracy." Pres. Woodrow Wilson, 1917.
Each citizen in a democracy who is eligible to vote is a steward, bound in honor to do his or her best to keep that democracy, including its debates, vital, functioning, and worth the cost of safekeeping.

Showing respect respectfully

Am I willing to show respect, esteem, support and affection at all times appropriately - that is, only in ways which add no burden on the people to whom I wish to show respect, esteem, support or affection, and which they are most likely to welcome?

July 22, 2018

Thanks to the union of my parents, to the laws of nature, and to grace and some blind luck, I have my body and its health (whatever the degree of my health may be from time to time); I have my mind and all its contents and potential; and I have the time between birth and death - every minute, however spent.
The laws of society give me many rights and everything I own – such as a mortgaged interest in a house, a car, a chainsaw, and rubber bands.
The grace and agreements of others – living or dead – give me all of my relationships, countless treasured memories, and endless joy and inspiration. 
How much of I have – what the laws of nature, the laws of society and the grace and agreements of others have given me – is entirely mine to use, squander, discard or destroy as I please?
How much of I have – what the laws of nature and society, and the grace and agreements of others, have given me – do I hold in trust; in stewardship for the contributions to others I may make with them?

Saturday, July 21, 2018

Actions before philosophy

I care about my philosophy and faith.
As curious as you and I might be about each other's philosophy and faith, isn't the threshold question how our views guide our actions? Why would anyone else care about my views if, consciously or unconsciously, my views produce actions which do not convey honesty, basic kindness and respect toward others, and real interest in others' lives and wellbeing?

Monday, July 16, 2018

July 15, 2018

I seek to know, to learn from, and to serve the Holy Spirit.  But what makes that Spirit holy?  I could pursue this same search, these same thoughts, as billions of our sisters and brothers actually do – in any Jewish or Buddhist temple, any Muslim mosque, any Hindu ashram, or any Catholic or other church.  I believe that what makes the Holy Spirit – God however named – holy is not our or anyone’s faith, doctrine, or traditions of individual or community worship.  Holiness is the power, available every moment to every person, of love, forgiveness, compassion, kindness, and patience.  It is that holiness, not righteousness about how to discern, express or share holiness, which should be the highest goal of every religious community, including this one.

Friday, July 13, 2018


The Holy Spirit which I strive to serve gives me great confidence.  It is not the confidence that I am right all the time.  It is not a confidence that makes it unnecessary to learn, to ask questions.  On the contrary, it is a confidence from which I ask questions all the time - questions of that Spirit itself; of myself; and of others, such as what they think, so I may show respect and love, and so I may learn and grow.
The Holy Spirit which I strive to serve gives me the confidence that, though I will never be perfect, it will be enough - I will be right with that Spirit - if I always do the best I can see to do to bring love, peace and understanding to those around me.