Thoughts of a citizen, father, friend and public servant on spirit, joy, choice and responsibility.
Monday, July 16, 2018
July 15, 2018
I seek to know, to learn from, and to serve the
Holy Spirit. But what makes that Spirit
holy? I could pursue this same search,
these same thoughts, as billions of our sisters and brothers actually do – in
any Jewish or Buddhist temple, any Muslim mosque, any Hindu ashram, or any
Catholic or other church. I believe that
what makes the Holy Spirit – God however named – holy is not our or anyone’s
faith, doctrine, or traditions of individual or community worship. Holiness is the power, available every moment
to every person, of love, forgiveness, compassion, kindness, and patience. It is that holiness, not righteousness about
how to discern, express or share holiness, which should be the highest goal of
every religious community, including this one.