Sunday, January 20, 2019

January 20, 2019

We are enough.

Each of you is enough.

I am enough.

Though we gather as seekers, we must remember what we have already found: we have found many truths which bring us the experience of love, peace, strength, and courage.

You are enough.

I am enough.

Does the Holy Spirit within each person look upon us and our choices and condemn us? 
Does the Holy Spirit tell us, “you are not enough”?
I don’t think so.  I think the Holy Spirit says to us,
“Do your best joyfully and productively to use the gift of Life and stop trying to be more perfect than I made you.”

And we will be joyful and productive if we look upon each other, and every other person, with love, and with the conviction that “you are enough and I am enough.”