Saturday, March 1, 2025

A dream: changing the script

In my dream this morning, March 1, 2025, there is a tradition that, in a certain situation, one must have a certain kind of dream: a martial dream, a dream about triumph, power over others, domination.  One in that situation receives a script, a psychic template, for that kind of dream: though the details are created by the dreamer, it is always a dream of at least psychological violence: of power over others, but also insecurity, isolation from others, loneliness.

In my dream, I have  - I happen upon - the power to change the script or template that is given to people in that situation.  What the script or template will be is up to me. Changing the script will be to break with tradition - a revolutionary act and, as I see the alternative, a liberating and joyful one of giving the dreamer the freedom to choose their dream using a script or template of peace, joy, play, and beauty; of love and appreciation of others, not domination; of connection and cooperation with others.  

I choose the new script.