Sunday, April 30, 2017

April 30, 2017

When people pray to God or to the Spirit holy to them – whatever that God or Spirit is called, whatever they call the act of prayer, however they act or look like when praying, however they feel anticipating, during and after prayer, whether the prayer is one of worship, supplication or simple thanks – is there a separate God or Spirit for each person, or for each group of people?
I think not.  And if there is one Holy Spirit accessible to each person who seeks It, and if each of us accepts that, differences in tradition and practice aside, the common Spirit is that of love of humanity, and acts accordingly, peace will come.

Sunday, April 9, 2017

April 9, 2017

Quakers share the belief that there is that of God in every person, whatever her or his faith, opinions, or place in the world.

At least we say we do.

Am I confident enough in that belief to regard every person I meet, see, or read about – from heads of state to victims of oppression or violence – as having the Holy Spirit within her or him no less than I; as having wisdom, love, forgiveness, and vast power within; as being a holy person?

Am I confident enough in the divinity within every person to seek not to affirm my worth in relation to others, but to affirm their essential worth - especially, when I can, to them?

Monday, April 3, 2017

"How big is your world?"

"How big is your world?
"What would you have to give up to accept that your world, your power over it, and your responsibility for it, are all greater than you thought? 
"How much of your world, including your questions about it, or about your place in it, are you willing to share with others?"
- God (attrib.)