Monday, August 14, 2017

August 13, 2017

I recently finished an extraordinary book entitled How Emotions Are Made, by neuropsychologist Lisa Feldman Barrett.  The book explains how concepts formed by personal experience and culture are stored, tested and modified in the human brain, and how those concepts, not neurological “hard-wiring”, create our emotions. 
The book also draws the distinction between the human brain as an organ – as a supercomputer, if you will – and the human mind.  The brain is truly amazing.  But my experience is that the mind can access love, wisdom, strength, and courage which can guide us in situations beyond our ken and which are not explainable by the cells and synapses, and the concepts and knowledge stored, much unconsciously, in the brain.  That experience is enough evidence for me of the presence of that of God in every person; of the Holy Spirit available to every person whenever we call upon it; if we will only call upon it. 
That Spirit is, to me, what answers when I ask, “What of God can I bring to this moment?”
What of the life, the love, and the loaf given to me am I willing to share with others?