Wednesday, April 24, 2019

April 21, 2019

This morning on my way to Meeting, I listened to an interview of Congressman John Lewis, the only one of six leading organizers of the 1963 march on Washington who is still alive.  He said that his lifelong campaign for civil rights was founded on his total commitment to nonviolence, peace, and love.  He did not connect nonviolence, peace and love, or his commitment to them, to any religion.

Today, Easter, Quakers and other Christians celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ and His restoration to the presence, and living service, of God, His Father and the One Jesus lived to serve.

Today it is particularly appropriate for us to consider for Whom, or for what principles, we are committed to be agents; how we show our commitment to that service; and the degree to which that commitment is founded upon nonviolence, peace, and love.