Thursday, December 12, 2019

Yearnings, temptations, impulses

Yearnings, temptations, and impulses: fear of them, or of the consequences of yielding to them may avoid trouble.  But who wants to be driven by fear?
Much more effective and fulfilling is consciously asking, and doing, what our highest values require, thus both living up to the examples of the people we most admire and, by being good examples, contributing to those who come after us.

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Reality check #13: Ethics

Ethics are situational, but how aware are we of the ethical choices we are making?  How carefully do we consider the ethical choices we perceive? 
Do we act as if what we want to do is what our ethics require, or at least permit?
What is the price of claiming ethical values and not acting according to what one's conscience would have one do?

Reality check #12: What would I give up to get others' holiness?

How would my life improve if I really got that each and every person is a holy person? 
How might I contribute to others' lives if I really got that? 
What would I have to give up to really get this? 
How much self-righteousness am I willing to give up?

Reality check #11: Gears in the transmission of Life

When you feel on top of the world, at the top of your game, what if you are just at the top of one gear - ready to shift into the next one? The next professional or creative gear? The next level of consciousness? The next spiritual gear?
What if, in the transmission of life, the next gear is a deeper awareness and a higher level of service to others?
In the moments when life seems great just the way it is, would you rather stay where you are, ignore or forget that there's a higher gear - how many higher gears? - and avoid the discomfort of growth? Of being a beginner again?