Friday, February 28, 2020

Seeking holiness in others

I grow more from seeking and honoring the holiness – the holy spirit – in others than I do from seeking and trying to stay with the holy spirit within myself.

February 23, 2020

The black box. Every airplane has one – and many cars do, too, nowadays: a device which constantly, precisely and without judgment records everything that the operator does.

Imagine something which constantly and precisely perceives and records everything that we think – even unconsciously, like many fears and biases; every choice and decision we make; and everything we do.  Imagine further something which does all of that with love and active support for our growth, individually and in relationship to each other.  That is how I see the Holy Spirit.

Let us strive to be ever more aware of our thoughts, choices, and actions so that we may have ever less cause to seek forgiveness from the Holy Spirit, and from ourselves – and ever more desire to seek guidance from that spirit.

Let us honor, seek and apply the power and wisdom of the Holy Spirit – of love – within each of us in service of that spirit, of our growth, and of greater peace in our world.

Monday, February 10, 2020

February 9, 2020

Why, according to The Holy Bible, did God not want people - Adam and Eve - to eat the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil?  Was it – is it – not important to know the difference between good and evil?

I believe that’s not the point of the story.  After all, God, or Life, has always given all but some very ill people the capacity to reason, and thus to judge good from evil.

Today I believe the point of the story – the reason God forbade partaking of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil (or rather the tree of the perception of the knowledge of good and evil) - is that perceptions of good and evil would eclipse love as the foundation of our view of ourselves, of each other, and of the natural world around us.

Sunday, February 2, 2020

February 2, 2020

Does God change?  Has God changed over the past 5000 years?  The past 50,000 years?  I do not know.

Does God grow?  As the universe expands in all directions at the speed of light, as countless manifestations of creation grow, and new ones are born, hatched and sprout – and die – every second, does God grow?  I do not know, except by faith.

Does the Holy Spirit of life – not the laws of physics, chemistry, gravity, and thermodynamics, but that part of God which we believe is within, and accessible to, each human being – grow?  As long as we grow, particularly as long as we strive to increase the expression and experience of love in the world and to appreciate and honor the love and compassion in others, how could the Holy Spirit we strive to serve not grow?