Saturday, November 7, 2020

Healing divisions in society

In any nation, the divisions in society are magnified by any leader who focuses on them, especially when the leader uses the existence and fear of those divisions for political advantage. 

Divisions both matter less and can be healed or harmonized by any leader who focuses on shared interests including national and local security, including racial and class equity and opportunities; on the national economy, including all sectors, workers as well as employers; on the nation's reputation and opportunities to help other nations; and on the future good of the nation and the world, including setting an example of honorable service, humility, and respect and compassion for others; demanding and relying on truth in public policy and discourse; working to have government live within its means (except in emergency - as families sometimes have to do); slowing down climate change and mitigating the harm it causes; improving public education, including adult education, and making it more available; deterring and prosecuting domestic corruption; and never rewarding any significant abuse of power.

October 25, 2020

“I love how I feel when I am with you.”  That expression of a realization came to me for the first time about a decade ago on a walk with a dear friend.  That sentence, and the experience to which it refers, has come back to me often since then, both with individuals and when I am conscious of the presence of the Holy Spirit which I believe is at once within each of us and beyond us.

I cannot adequately describe the experience of the presence of the Holy Spirit – but perhaps I can get close enough to evoke your experience of such a spirit, however named.  It is an experience of being aware; 

Of being amazed;

Of accepting;

Of being assured of love within every person and of love for Life within every living thing.

It is the experience of being empowered by consciousness of the array of our choices and of an inexhaustible source of spiritual refreshment, creativity and inspiration from which we may draw.

Health permitting, the availability of this experience is our natural state.

If I do not love how I feel when I am with someone, or when I experience being with the Holy Spirit, that is for me to examine, to grow from, and to change – if I will – to find that natural state again.