Monday, October 27, 2014

The leaf

The leaf.
We spring - along with many others - from the branch of a tree.  We live.  Nourished by, and clinging to, the tree, we grow.   We wave in the wind.  We provide shade.  We take in the sun.  
We contribute to the health of the tree - a family tree. The human family tree, even the tree of life, if we take the long view.
We are beautiful - often especially as our fall approaches.  Sooner or later, though, we let go - or are torn away by storm or accident - and we fall.  But, though no longer alive, green and growing, no longer connected to the source, we are still part of life.  We still exist.  We are still a part of a larger source of which the tree from which we sprang was itself - as great as it is - only a small part.  And, in our withering time, we can still give back: we fertilize the source that gave us life and the leaves that follow us.