Sunday, September 27, 2015

Questions about believing in, and strengthening, spiritual resources.

I believe Jesus lived a human life.
I believe that the challenges and difficulties in my life are nothing compared to those than Jesus faced with love, courage, wisdom and grace.
Do I think I have fewer resources for dealing with my challenges than Jesus had? 
Do I think Jesus did not experience the full array of common human feelings, including anger, frustration, discouragement, fatigue, ennui, yearning, confusion and doubt?  I do not.  But I believe He had an extremely powerful resource for dealing with such feelings: his connection to God, the Holy Spirit, and the spirit of Love, particularly of his fellow human beings. 
Can we today not develop that resource, that spiritual connection? 
I believe the questions become, first, do I believe I can do that?  If so, what am I willing to do to honor and to strengthen my connection to God, the Holy Spirit, and the spirit of Love?

Friday, September 18, 2015

"Will work for joy."

You've seen the signs: "Will work for food."  Everyone should be allowed to work for food, dignity and security.  I am, and I'm grateful.

Here's my sign: "Will work for joy."*

Translation: "Will not expect joy without effort and contribution to others.  Will be uncomfortable for the sake of growth.  Will work to set aside my ego.  Will accept appearing uncool.  Will laugh at myself.  Will be patient, taking time to understand and accept others - and myself.  Will cultivate gratitude.  Will compromise (except integrity).  Will stand up to evil and dangerous folly.  Will take responsibility for my choices and their results.  Will do what's right over what's popular, what's necessary over what's comfortable.  Will take care of my soul rather than my image - all for joy."

  I sent this idea to "The New Yorker".  I think it works as a cartoon no matter who's holding the sign.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Judging not

"'Judge not, that ye be not judged.' [Matthew 7:1] Being hard to do doesn't mean hard to understand."  God - Attrib.

Minding the gap between knowledge and perception

"The fruit of that proverbial 'tree of the knowledge of good and evil' was really just the perception of good and evil.  Mind the gap."  God - Attrib.