Sunday, November 15, 2015

Something of God

I recently read Go Set A Watchman, by Harper Lee.  It is a story of twenty-something Jean Louise - "Scout" - Finch's return to her small Alabama hometown in the early 1950's and her confrontation with life there, particularly with her father, Atticus.  I liked the book very much.  For those who have not read the book yet, I'll just say this.
Many people - including Quakers like me - believe that there is something of God in every person.  Those of us who so believe ought to expect that the something-of-God in others is not always going to come to the same conclusion as we do, even given the same facts, let alone to express that conclusion as we would prefer.  We ought to be open to such differences.
When we dislike, distrust, are offended by, or do not understand what someone says or does, let us pause, appeal to that something-of-God in ourselves, and consider whether what the other has said or done came from an effort to honor that something-of-God in her or in him.  If it did, respect and love will be at hand, and it will be easier to be candid, to disagree, to debate, and to strengthen the relationship.