Monday, July 23, 2018

July 22, 2018

Thanks to the union of my parents, to the laws of nature, and to grace and some blind luck, I have my body and its health (whatever the degree of my health may be from time to time); I have my mind and all its contents and potential; and I have the time between birth and death - every minute, however spent.
The laws of society give me many rights and everything I own – such as a mortgaged interest in a house, a car, a chainsaw, and rubber bands.
The grace and agreements of others – living or dead – give me all of my relationships, countless treasured memories, and endless joy and inspiration. 
How much of I have – what the laws of nature, the laws of society and the grace and agreements of others have given me – is entirely mine to use, squander, discard or destroy as I please?
How much of I have – what the laws of nature and society, and the grace and agreements of others, have given me – do I hold in trust; in stewardship for the contributions to others I may make with them?