Sunday, October 31, 2021

Human creativity and responsibility

Humans imagine.

So what?  Dogs, at least, and likely other animals have dreams and I guess those dreams include experiences involving imagined situations and things. Maybe dogs dream about people just as people dream about dogs.  And perhaps many animals, at least as part of their danger detection instinct, also consciously imagine things that are not actually there. 

But humans also create.  What creatures other than humans consciously imagine fulfilling moments and entire lives in something as complex as human society and do their best to create those moments and lives?  What other creatures consciously, intentionally, and at length imagine and create from what is imagined, such as composing music, lyrics or poetry, choreographing a dance, painting an entirely imaginary scene, writing stories or producing movies about imagined events involving imagined creatures and machines in imagined worlds, or inventing the wheel, engines, light bulbs, airplanes, prosthetic devices, computers or the Internet?  Is there any other animal which, like many humans, sees few limits to what can be accomplished through imagination, experimentation, diligence, perseverance and cooperation?

Whether or not one believes God is the original, eternal and all-powerful Creator, isn't there something akin to God, an agency of Creation, in every human being?  And, if so, isn't there also individual responsibility to other people and species and the planet which is our home?