Tuesday, March 21, 2023

March 19, 2023

"If you look on everyone you meet as a holy person, you will be happy."  So says the holy man in the wonderful novel of that title, by Susan Trott.

This morning, to expand on that wonderful aphorism, I think that, to connect with that of God in another person, we should seek and discern something the other person is praying for, consciously or not; something they want or need. We should discover and be willing to share - be vulnerable enough to share - that we, too, have wants and needs for which we have been praying, intentionally or unconsciously. And then, mindful that we and the other person both have wants and needs, we can offer with love, and strive in appropriate ways, to meet one or more of the other person's unmet wants or needs. Not a word need be spoken.