Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Judging toys - and other things

On my walk this morning, a pickup truck with a loud, throaty engine and big, loud tires passed.  I thought, “Ah. Guys’ toys.” 

Then I caught myself: that thought was self-righteous.  Apart from the chance that every attribute of that truck was necessary, part of me was critical of the driver’s truck not because there is anything wrong with having, or driving, such a truck, or with enjoying having or driving such a truck.  I was just judging the truck owner’s choice of “toy”.  I noticed my double standard.  I have things I think are fun: I, too, have toys.  And I would prefer not to be judged harshly for my selection.

“Judge not lest ye be judged.”*  How many are the ways I judge!  The good news is that, from each of those ways, made conscious, I can practice not judging, which is acceptance, which is doing unto others what I would have them do unto me.  Which is part of love.

So, to the fellow driving that big truck today, thanks and thumbs up!

* Matthew 7:1.