Saturday, April 25, 2015

Looking for miracles

Do I live as though miracles are less common than troubles?  
Am I looking at life through my WOW lens or my slog lens (also known as the self-pity lens)?
Is something only a miracle if I don't have to look for it?  If it is obvious and dramatic enough to demand my attention?  Is something a miracle only if enough people agree that it is - or if I think enough people would agree that it is?  How many votes does it take?  Are miracles so commonplace, or so devalued, that only the big ones count?
If something is only a miracle if I judge it to be one, is my definition of "miracle" reasonable?  Is it serving me?
What is the cost to me and to my community if I choose not to notice, be grateful for, and try appropriately to share the miracles of everyday life?