Thursday, June 21, 2018

Time and will

There are many major types of differences between people. Some differences are internal. Personality alone is unique, at least in nuance, to each person. There are also differences in the type and, within type, degree of intelligence and aptitude; in health and fitness; in our interests; and in our assumptions and perceptions about hypothetically identical events and conditions.
There are also external differences, such as what we have, as measured for example by the quality and number of our relationships, by the degree to which we are loved, by our educational, service, work and recreational  opportunities, or by our bank balances.
There are two great equalizers: time and, barring mental illness, will - that is, the the capacity to choose how we will use our time. Each person has the same 1440 minutes per day. Everyone - again, barring mental illness - has the same capacity to choose to love, i.e., to accept people and things just as they are, and to express love.  Everyone has the same capacity to choose to grow, to forgive, to be vulnerable, and to be brave, all despite resulting discomfort.
Let us choose wisely.