Sunday, August 20, 2023

August 20, 2023

As I try to simplify and strengthen my connection to the Holy Spirit, this question comes to me this morning:
What is the difference between the way I act when I act alone, including service to others - when I am off duty, so to speak; and the way I act when I am consciously trying to represent the Holy Spirit?

Monday, August 14, 2023

August 13, 2023

What if everything in the Universe, including gravity, light, and the laws of physics and chemistry, and every star, planet, rock, speck of dirt, drop of water, and every plant and creatureevery ant, bird, reptile, whale, and human that lives or ever lived was created not randomly but by some unfathomably great Power?

What if we call that Power “God”?

What if there is, or was, some quality, some vestige or reminder of its creator – of God in every thing and every creature that ever existed?

Would knowing that – or, if that’s too much to know, even just believing that – change how we go about our lives?  Would believing that change how we care for this planet, its earth, atmosphere and waters?

What if we believe that there is some quality of God, something divine, in every person?

Does that belief change how we think about, judge, greet, and interact with other people?

Thursday, August 10, 2023

How to procrastinate and be right about it

I am writing a novel.  I've barely begun, and I've never done this before, but I tell myself that I'm committed to writing a novel.  I envision the protagonist, a congenial and wise mail carrier, having a series of conversations with people on his route about Life's challenges and ways to deal with them.

My wife has suggested that I include a chapter about procrastination.  She knows I have lots of experience with procrastination.

I have lots of experience with procrastination because, though I have lots of ideas about how to avoid it, I don't have a lot of effective ways.

Thanks to my wife's gentle poke in the guise of a suggestion, this morning I see the following pattern in my life ... 

One, I see something that I think ought to be done.  It may be something only I can do. Though how much time ought to be given to self care, such as learning, exercise, rest and play, is debatable, the things only I can do are not the main problem.  The main problem I see today is with things that I think ought to be done that no one's doing, such as picking up litter or volunteering for a task - or writing personal reflections in a blog - so I do them.  Or they can be things others are doing that I'd like to support by getting involved in some way.

The result is a long to-do list.

Two, having created a long to-do list, I feel pressure to do those things, particularly when they are commitments to other people.  And I feel good when I actually do those things.  Doing what I say I'll do is an important value of mine.  I feel right in adhering to that value and, more important, I want to avoid failing to do so.  So I plug away at my to-do list.

Three, I notice that something on my to-do list has been neglected.  A couple days later, I notice it's still not done.  A couple weeks later ... it is reasonable to say that I have procrastinated.  But look at all the other things I've done!  Good things!  At least some of them were fairly important things!  Look where I have not procrastinated!  I've done the best I could see to do!

Today, I see that I unconsciously justify procrastination and I see how I do it: I neglect responsibility for my choices about my prioritiesIf I'm going to neglect a task, it should be something that's nowhere near top priority. 

The best I can see to do could be better - and needs to be better if I am going to be less of a procrastinator regarding the most important things on my to-do list.  In making my moment-to-moment choices, including what I put on my to-do list, it would serve me to be more honest with myself - and, as needed, with others - about what my choices reveal about my priorities.  And whenever my revealed priorities need to be rearranged, if I fail to make different choices accordingly, I should admit to myself that I'm either a hypocrite or just plain lazy.

One blog post done.  Now on to the novel.