Monday, August 14, 2023

August 13, 2023

What if everything in the Universe, including gravity, light, and the laws of physics and chemistry, and every star, planet, rock, speck of dirt, drop of water, and every plant and creatureevery ant, bird, reptile, whale, and human that lives or ever lived was created not randomly but by some unfathomably great Power?

What if we call that Power “God”?

What if there is, or was, some quality, some vestige or reminder of its creator – of God in every thing and every creature that ever existed?

Would knowing that – or, if that’s too much to know, even just believing that – change how we go about our lives?  Would believing that change how we care for this planet, its earth, atmosphere and waters?

What if we believe that there is some quality of God, something divine, in every person?

Does that belief change how we think about, judge, greet, and interact with other people?