Saturday, July 4, 2020

Is there a spirit within each person?

Spiritually, each of us is either entirely alone in this life or we are not.

Each person - with her or his own personality and ever-changing body, brain, perceptions, memories, thoughts, desires, emotions, and will - either has access to a power of a spiritual nature or she or he does not.

There either is a spirit - a non-physical source of wisdom, guidance, power, growth, and peace - within and accessible to each person or there is not.

If I reject that dichotomy, what IS true?

That there is such a spirit in every person? 
That, whatever one's beliefs, there is no such spirit in any person?
That there is such a spirit in some people but not in others?

Who will refuse even to look within herself or himself for the answers to these questions?

Who, concluding after careful search and thought that there is no such spirit within and accessible to herself or himself, will deny the experience of those who do find such a spirit within - accessible, wise, useful, even loving?

Who, considering the described experience of those who do find such a spirit within themselves, would rather be right about the non-existence of such a spirit - would deny others' lived experience of such spirit as merely imaginary - than continue to look for such a spirit within himself or herself?  And those who would rather be right about the non-existence of such a spirit do so at what cost?