Tuesday, June 4, 2013

April 10, 2005

April 10, 2005

As they prepared for the grueling, four-mile Harvard-Yale Regatta, a young oarsman confided to a veteran, “Sometimes I just don’t think I can make it.”

After a moment of silence, the veteran softly replied, “I know.  You just have to have faith in your training.”

Another story.  An octogenarian monk was on his deathbed.  A younger monk attending him asked, “Brother, do you feel anxious as death approaches?  Do you feel sad?”

“Why should I feel anxious or sad?”, asked the elder.  “I have been preparing for this moment for sixty years.”

 Each moment of our lives can prepare us for the next moment, small or great, common or mysterious.  Let us reflect and decide on the kind of person we want to be.  Let us use each moment as training to be such a person.  And let us have faith in our training.