Tuesday, June 4, 2013

January 11, 2004

January 11, 2004 

Scientists tell us that we use only a small portion of our brains' capacity, about one tenth of it.  What is this capacity?  How can we access it?  What does it mean?
    Today I think that this untapped capacity is our potential in store, individually and as a species, for greater wisdom, accomplishment and love.  It is the key to being the most effective cells in the body of Life we can be.  It is, for example, the key to understanding miracles, which are well described as simply the operation of nature beyond our ken.
    We will not, by definition, access this capacity through our routine activities.  I believe we can access this capacity, by degrees, through prayer, through seeking God -- which very much includes seeking that of God in each other -- and through embracing new ways of looking at Life, even new ways of living.
    To me, this reservoir of cerebral capacity means that we have barely begun to know our powers.  It means we have the rest of our lives to explore and expand our boundaries, to the service of others and to our own joy in learning.