Sunday, June 2, 2013

December 31, 1995

A place where the land meets the sea.  The day is nearly as dark as night: so thick are the clouds that the sun cannot get through.  Many people are there, frightened, a bewildered mass not knowing what to do.  The few buildings are dark, skeletal, providing no comfort.

    A man reaches up his left arm and opens his palm to the sky.  A shaft of pure sunlight the size of a butterplate breaks through to the opened palm.  How amazing, he thinks.  What are the chances of that?  He moves his opened hand swiftly in a circle above his head.  The sunlight stays on the palm.  This is no coincidence.  The people see this and are amazed.  Let us follow this man, they say.  No, he says, do not follow me.  Join me.  For I cannot hold up my arm forever.  But if you join me, we shall all have the Light.